Currency converter calculator

Using your card on holiday? Taking out cash from an ATM in a foreign country? Use our currency calculator below to work out the daily exchange rate used, every day up to a year before... We won’t charge you for spending your money overseas so you can guarantee that you’ll get Mastercard’s real foreign exchange rate. Just a heads up, some ATM providers may charge their own fee.

Find out more about the benefits of using Starling for your travel money.

Currency calculator

Need to convert GBP to USD or EUR? Use our currency converter below to calculate the exchange rate. We won’t charge you for spending overseas – but do bear in mind that some ATM providers may charge their own fee.

Already in paradise? Use our currency converter on the go. Just go to Cards in the app, then tap on ‘Going abroad?’.

Calculating rate...

Frequently asked questions

  • What’s your exchange rate?

    Our currency converter tool uses Mastercard’s exchange rate and doesn’t add anything on top. Like all banks, we’re now required to show the European Central Bank (ECB) published exchange rate and any additional fees or charges. This is so you can compare currency exchange rates between banks and decide what’s best for you in a fair and transparent way.

  • Will I be charged for using my debit card abroad?

    We don’t charge you for using your debit card abroad, but some ATM providers overseas may charge their own fee (which is sadly out of our control).

Compare Starling to other banks

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Compare current accounts. Data correct as of 3 March 2025.
Starling Bank logo

Starling Bank


Debit EU £100 cost

With the Starling Bank account you do not pay any fees to use your debit card for purchases while in Europe. If you pay in the local currency we will convert that cost to Sterling using Mastercard’s globally accepted exchange rate.



ATM EU £100 cost

With the Starling Bank account you do not pay any fees to withdraw foreign currency from a cash machine while in Europe. We will convert the cost of any money you withdraw using Mastercard’s globally accepted exchange rate. Just like in the UK though some ATM providers might charge you a fee for withdrawing cash from their machines.



Debit world £100 cost

With the Starling Bank account you do not pay any fees to use your debit card for purchases worldwide outside of Europe. If you pay in the local currency we will convert that cost to Sterling using Mastercard’s globally accepted exchange rate.



ATM world £100 cost

With the Starling Bank account you do not pay any fees to withdraw foreign currency from a cash machine while anywhere in the world outside Europe. We will convert the cost of any money you withdraw using Mastercard’s globally accepted exchange rate. Just like in the UK though some ATM providers might charge you a fee for withdrawing cash from their machines.



Data correct as of 3 March 2025.

Apply for a Starling bank account today and enjoy app-based banking at its best.

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