What is an account number?
A bank account number is a number that is tied to your bank account. If you have several bank accounts, such as personal, joint, business (and so on), each account will have a different account number.
How long is an account number?
In the UK, most bank account numbers typically contain eight digits. Some UK banks do have shorter account numbers, but here the number ‘0’ can be added in front to reach eight digits. Generally, a bank account number will only be relevant when used in conjunction with a sort code.
Where can I see my account number?
If you need to find your bank account number, you’ll typically be able to see it on bank statements and on your online or app banking. Most banks also print the bank account number on the front or back of your bank card. However, this is not to be confused with the card number, which is the 16 digit number, usually placed in the middle of your bank card.
Most of Starling’s personal account holders can find their bank account number on the back of their debit cards, as well as in the Starling bank app (neither our old purple cards - collectors items now! - or our very early teal cards have the account number on). If you can’t find the account number on your Starling card, don’t worry; you’ll find it in the app or on the online banking platform.